So today I noticed people started to hash tag their photos a lot with #100happydays. I wasn't sure what it was all about and was very intrigued! Once I found the website www.100happydays.com I realised it was exactly what it said on the tin. It's challenging you to see if you can stay happy for 100 days in a row and expressing this by posting a photo a day using the hash tag #100happydays. It may be something very simple such as a cup of tea in bed or the sunshine peaking through the clouds, #100happydays is trying to focus on the positives in life. Teaching you that you do have enough time in life to realise what makes you happy!
Since starting yoga at the end of January I have really noticed a difference in myself and I think this #100happydays has come at a great time for me to learn more about myself as a person. I believe everything happens for a reason and if it's meant to be it'll be! I think my whole out look on life is changing and I am so excited to learn and experience this new change!
If you're feeling like trying something new I'd highly recommended #100happydays. We all use technology every day why not start to document all the happy things in your life!
Follow me on Instagram where I'll be documenting every day those little this in life that make me happy! @chaileybutler
Have a good week!
Love Chailey
Labels: #100happydays #yoga #feelgood